
This is a quick overview of how works – a good place to start. While is a Project Management tool and has many elements of a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), it’s focus is primarily about tasks – and getting them done. We took the view that everything is a task – a sales lead, your tax return, a phone call you need to return, a meeting with a client, updating the HTML on a web page for your client, delivering a change to an architectural drawing, fixing a tap in one of your client’s units. They are all tasks and you need to either do them yourself or delegate them to someone else, and you need to make sure they are done on time. We recognise that some tasks will be in-house tasks and some for your client/customers and their projects. We appreciate that you may work alone or in a team. So allows you to capture all your tasks quickly, categorise them by client or in-house and then keep track of their progress.