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HexChat is an IRC client based on XChat for Linux , but unlike XChat it’s completely free for both Windows and Unix-like systems. HexChat was originally called XChat-WDK which in turn was a successor of freakschat.

Features Easy to use and customizable interface Cross-platform on Windows, OS X, and Unix-like OSes Highly scriptable with Python and Perl Translated in multiple languages Fully open source and actively developed Multi-network with auto-connect, join, and identify Spellcheck, Proxies, SASL, DCC support and more



KVIrc is a free portable IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit. KVirc is being written by Szymon Stefanek and the K ...



c#/csharp IRC CLient. AdiIRC stores all its settings in text files, this way you can grab the adiirc folder and put in on a us ...



AndroIRC is your new IRC client! Features: • mIRC colors • auto join channels on startup • nickserv auth • Android notificatio ...