Tag: distributed
Cjdns (Caleb James DeLisle's Network Suite) is a networking protocol and reference implementation, founded on the ideology tha ...
LINBIT keeps Linux systems up and running. As the developers of DRBD® software (http://docs.linbit.com/ ), LINBIT has led the ...
Why use BeeGFS? BeeGFS transparently spreads user data across multiple servers. By increasing the number of servers and disks ...
What is Duniter ?
It is a network of resilient communities based on trusted human certifications. Any member of a community i ...
nanomsg is a socket library that provides several common communication patterns. It aims to make the networking layer fast, sc ...
Friendica is a distributed social network application. Which allow users to connect with others via their own Friendica server ...
Brainbroker is a freelancer platform connecting aspiring companies with leading technology, data and digital experts. Companie ...
It's better than email because:
An IRC-like internet chatroom hosted on ZeroNet, a distributed network. 0rc is a fully distributed website, and messages are s ...
Disco is an implementation of mapreduce for distributed computing. Disco supports parallel computations over large data sets, ...
Quobyte is a complete software storage solution for reliable and scalable storage infrastructures. It turns commodity hardware ...
TeamCity is a continuous integration and build management system. With TeamCity, you can set up a build server within minutes ...
Forum(s) built with JavaScript ( with CoffeeScript ) and www.listalternative.com/product/json for the database distributed by ...
Diaspora is a federated social networking service, designed to be a more privacy-aware alternative to Facebook . Share what yo ...
Hubzilla is a powerful platform for creating interconnected based websites featuring a decentralized identity, communications, ...
GitHub is a web-based hosting service for projects that use the Git revision control system. It is written in Ruby on Rails by ...
XtreemFS is an object-based, distributed file system for wide area networks. The file system replicates objects for fault tole ...
Tadagraph is online co-working hub to manage projects, share knowledge within your team and locate co-working places in your a ...
Storro is a peer-to-peer, private blockchain application to store, share and sync your business files. It offers unprecedented ...
Resilio Sync allows you to automatically sync files between computers via secure, distributed technology (P2P bittorrent proto ...