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8chan is a service that hosts a large selection of imageboards to browse. These boards are maintained by their respective board owners, who are not affiliated with the 8chan global staff. An imageboard is a type of internet forum which lets users post text and images anonymously (without name) about any topic, or no topic at all. Unlike forums, imageboards do not hold old content permamently, and old threads are pruned as new ones are created. The imageboard format holds several advantages against traditional forums: There is no registration process, which allows for anyone to post what they like without having to jump through hoops. Users do not have names and thus feel no reason to build up an identity or reputation for themselves. Post are judged based on their content rather than who made them. sharing images and multimedia content is as easy as saving and uploading it to the site. The 8chan global staff are responsible for maintaining the site as a whole and protecting it from spam and illegal content. The administration is NOT responsible for enforcing any rules outside of the global rule. Any complaints about the content or management of a board should be addressed towards the owner of the board, unless it violates the law of the United States of America, or global policy.



7chan is a simple anonymous image board with tighter rules than 4chan and a smaller community.