Tag: whiteboard
Meet the freeform digital canvas where ideas, content, and people come together. Create freely, work naturally. Give your idea ...
Whiteboards for your team. Draw together. Sketch, share, collaborate, and brainstorm with your remote team like never before. ...
MetaMoJi Note, previously Note Anytime, is a powerful notetaker, PDF annotation tool, and a digital scrapbook for your life. C ...
Online web meetings and document sharing web based application by ShowDocument. Very easy to use. No installation needed.
Symphonical is a task and project management app consisting of digital sticky notes on a virtual wall. With Symphonical it is ...
Mark up websites, graphics, and photos, or start brainstorming on a blank canvas. Browse the web with your friends or make tha ...
We used to get blurry pictures of whiteboards and planning walls (or send them ourselves) and that's why we built Cnverg. Team ...
A Web Whiteboard is touch-friendly online whiteboard app that lets you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to easily draw ...
CollaBoard is a digital whiteboard that brings real-time capabilities to your Surface Hubs and on any Windows 10 device to dig ...
Coccinella is a free and open-source cross-platform instant messaging client with a built-in whiteboard for improved collabora ...
PDF Presenter is a presentation software with focus on PDF documents.
Why do you want PDF Presenter? It is easy to use and lo ...
Scriblink is a free digital whiteboard that users can share online in real-time. Sorta like pen and paper, minus the dead tree ...
Text To Voice Whiteboard Video Maker Software. Create amazing text to speech sketch videos
BaiBoard lets people collaborate across the Internet via:
Casual Collaboration. Mash your ideas and media together with friends in a dynamic whiteboard wiki. Using photos, videos, and ...
"Work better together" - Connect your employees, customers and partners in a private and secure online community. Glasscubes i ...
SMART Notebook collaborative learning software enable teachers bring interactivity to their classroom and engage their student ...
Unlike other collaboration solutions, Bluescape is hardware and software agnostic. It works with your favorite apps and is acc ...
The analogue version to organize your meetings and projects, with cards and post-its.
The OpenBoard software is an interactive white board software. Certainly one of the most exciting projects related to open edu ...