Tag: split desktop
split desktop
split desktop
Windownaut is versatile window management app that let's you define keyboard shortcuts and active areas on your screen to resi ...
MaxTo is a small Windows program that divides your monitors into regions. When you maximize a window, it will no longer fit th ...
SplitView enables dual monitor usage with Remote Desktop and widescreen monitors. SplitView also lets you take full advantage ...
A lightweight utility for allowing you to quickly snap windows to a tiling grid under your existing Linux window manager. Can ...
WinSplit Revolution is a small utility which allows you to easily organize your open windows by tiling, resizing and positioni ...
Every time you want to copy content from one app to the other, compare files side by side or multitask in any other way, you n ...
Breeze gives you simple window management on Mac OS X through a concept called “window states”. When you assign a keyboard sho ...
Useful window arrangement ("snap-to-edge") utility that works well with multiple screens.
Split Screen Ultimate is the most comprehensive app to manage windows on your Mac. With window snapping and keyboard shortcuts ...
Aquasnap is a powerful window manager that helps you arrange and organize multiple applications on your desktop with minimum e ...
Stack is an advanced window manager for Windows to provide a more productive workflow through intuitive window management.
FEA ...
Stack is a productivity tool, that helps managing multiple open windows. It is most useful on big screens, very wide screens a ...
Divvy is an entirely new way of managing your workspace. It allows you to quickly and efficiently "divvy up" your screen into ...
WindowGrid is a modern window management program that allows the user to quickly and easily layout their windows on a dynamic ...
Autumn is a full customizable window manager for Mac with a built-in IDE for coders to configure everything with JavaScript or ...