Tag: virtual desktop manager
virtual desktop manager
virtual desktop manager
SplitView enables dual monitor usage with Remote Desktop and widescreen monitors. SplitView also lets you take full advantage ...
Ericom Connect is a powerful application and desktop access solution that is ideal for both large enterprises and SMBs. The we ...
Desktops allows you to organize your applications on up to four virtual desktops. Read email on one, browse the web on the sec ...
Virtuoz was designed to be a minimal and robust program that allows to have more than one desktop on Windows. It was inspired ...
9Desks - Virtual Desktops, desktop manager, multi desktops, enhanced virtual desktops
General purpose of this program is to use 4 simulating screens simultaneously. To switch into each screen, select one of 4 scr ...
Best-in-class Virtual Desktop Management Software empowering IT in education, healthcare, government and more to revolutionize ...
Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Hotkeys and System Tray Icon
Features: List of all hotkey actions -Disable Default -Keyboard Applic ...
The purpose of this application is to provide a system to group applications. This is in aid of providing a solution to the co ...