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Workgroups DaVinci

All in one project management & productivity suite for marketing, creative, and production The new Workgroups DaVinci suite includes our project and productivity solutions in one powerful application. Start with one or all modules. Complete full service implementation, best practices consulting, and training. Project Management: Workgroups DaVinci provides a complete project management solution for managing the production of all your print, packaging, web, photo, copy and interactive media. Online Proofing & Review: Whether your customers are within your organization or outside, they can access your own branded web portal, including: project details, to-do lists, schedules, automated email reminders and soft proofing tools. Digital Assets Management: Automatically index, track and associate your digital assets with projects, making finding and organizing digital assets simple and fast. Financial Management: Integrate simple financial management into your project production process. Measure productivity, capture billing and time, create accurate estimates & proposals, and analyze productivity and profitability.