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Your current workflow is costing you time—and money. Workframe solves these issues. Get instant insight into the health of your capital projects—see which projects are currently at-risk and deserve attention. Increase transparency, so that everyone from ‘on-the-ground’ contractors to project managers and administrators, remain on the same-page, all the time. Workframe is trusted by the top CRE professionals. Fortune 500 companies across the financial services, technology and media sectors trust Workframe to accelerate their real estate workflows . Workframe is optimized for CRE collaboration, email isn’t. Email produces too much noise, and can lead to confusion/bifurcation. Workframe streamlines conversations and puts them in context. Workframe is a powerful end-to-end operating system for CRE. It's more than ‘collaboration’ -- it can be used to optimize every step of a CRE project cycle, from project ideation through occupancy. Adopting Workframe will give you an operational advantage.