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WizeHive makes it easy for business people to configure and deploy cloud based solutions that help them organize, automate and streamline their business activities. WizeHive Select is the web's leading platform for the intake and management of applications for grants, scholarships, fellowships, awards, contests and competitions. The result is the elimination of paper and time spent copying, collating, mailing, and organizing all of that information. In addition, its collaboration and decision making tools provide a simplified way to help them make better, faster decisions. WizeHive Select is being used by over 600 non-profits and global organizations including Disney, United Way, BlackBoard and Echoing Green to collect millions of online applications each year spread over thousands of application processes. WizeHive Zengine is a cloud-based platform that empowers a non-technical person to quickly build custom business applications, while also allowing developers to extend the application by adding integrations and complex functionality. Zengine can be used to track customers, job candidates, projects or more and replace paper processes, outgrown spreadsheets, or generic software products.