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Focus on what's important for you and your teams with our family of apps. Twoodo helps you organize everything and anything using #hashtags for you, your team and even your clients. The beauty is in it's simplicity and flexibility. With our smart #hashtag language, Twoodo enables you to seamlessly track and organize your conversations, to-do lists, notes, events and more, giving you the headspace to focus.

  • Instantly create teams or project groups using "+" (+team_A, +project_B)
  • Invite people to join you on the teams either within Twoodo (@username) or via email from the command box (@[email protected])
  • Start collaborating using #todo #vote #question
  • Store and organize your #notes, #ideas, #lists... anything you need! No more creating folders, making sub-folders, typing in individual names, frustrated searching... do everything from one, single box: the command box. Everything is at our fingertips - our work, our hobbies, our personal life. It's there 24/7 and it's constantly bombarding us. How can you possibly keep track of anything if you always have much so much going on? You end up spending most of your time thinking, managing and listing things to do rather than actually doing them. Leaving you with a frustrating feeling of not finishing things and losing track of your goals. Until now. Twoodo - Life Focused.