
Twitter growth made easy. All the marketing tools you need to help grow your twitter account. Copy Follow Easily pull followers from a specified user so you can ‘Copy’ their followers. This has great potential, enabling you to target your competitors followers, or someone who’s highly followed in your field. Keyword Follow Keyword follow targets users based on tweets that contain your specified keyword or phrase. This could be a hashtag, sentence or single word. Keyword user follow Keyword user follow is basically the same as Keyword follow, but it doesn’t search through tweets. It searches based on users descriptions, meaning you can find relevant people to follow based on how they describe themselves. Filtering Toolset will automatically filter users with less than 30 followers and users with default profile pictures. It will also filter out users you’ve previously followed on Toolset, and then unfollowed, so you don’t follow the same user over and over again.

Unfollow Easily find and unfollow users who don't follow you back. Whitelist Add users to your Whitelist so you don’t accidentally unfollow them.

ManageFlitter provides you with a set of easy to use tools to empower you to work smarter and faster with Twitter .

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