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Narrow helps you build a targeted Twitter following by making it effortless for you to interact with users who are likely interested in your product, service, cause or business. It’s quick and easy to use. Simply enter keywords or hashtags and we’ll identify a relevant audience for you and start building your following. Build a Targeted Following Using keywords, hashtags and locations, Narrow identifies your target audience and attracts relevant users to your profile. Audience Research Improve your Twitter marketing by understanding your audience. Our research tool helps you narrow in on the right users. Build a targeted following
Twitter Automation Once you define your target audience, Narrow will start connecting and engaging with relevant users with in-depth audience research tools Analytics and Insights No-fluff analytics. Narrow tracks the performance of your keywords and helps you identify what's working. Manage Multiple Accounts Manage more than one Twitter account? No problem. Narrow allows you to manage up to 10 accounts.

ManageFlitter provides you with a set of easy to use tools to empower you to work smarter and faster with Twitter .

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