
Scuttlebutt is a protocol on which many different kinds of apps can be built. As for the social network, there are many clients, just like there are many Twitter clients. It doesn't really matter which one you use. They're all talking on the same network. Patchwork is the most polished client and it doesn't require you to know any geeky stuff. The only caveat is that it just wants to run on one computer, and your identity is tied to the files on the computer you install it on. There are ways around this but it's beyond the scope of this document.

Quick Start Install Patchwork. Boot it up and set up your profile. Go to the list of pub servers and get an invite code from one. Click "+ Join Pub" in the top left corner of Patchwork and paste in the invite code. Explore by browsing public posts and channels, expand into your extended network (Click on More > Extended Network). Introduce yourself on the #new-people channel. Follow people you find interesting. You will download content authored by everyone you follow, and everyone who they follow. Have fun, and be respectful of others. The scuttleverse is a nice place.