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RDBTools GUI for Redis

RDBTools is a cross-platform GUI for Redis. Download and install it on Windows, Linux or Mac. Alternatively, you can install it on a server and access it from a browser. All flavours of redis are supported - standalone redis, redis cluster, redis enterprise, aws elasticache, azure redis and other major cloud providers. RDBTools lets you manage keys in redis. It uses the scan command to find keys, and will not impact your redis server. You can view and edit all data types. JSON objects are pretty printed. If you store java or python objects in redis, RDBTools will reverse engineer and show you a meaningful representation. The GUI is intuitive to use, and supports keyboard navigation. It also supports bulk operations. It is easy to rename keys, change expiry, or delete keys in batch. RDBTools is the pioneer in memory analysis. It can analyze memory usage in a completely offline manner by working with a backup file. In other words, your redis server will not be impacted at all. You can find out memory usage by key patterns, even your own defined key patterns. You can also identify memory usage by expiry of the keys, and quickly identify keys that do not have an expiry. If you use redis cluster, you can view memory usage by shard, or even by hash slot. The memory analyzer also lets you run custom analysis. The recommendations page will show you memory recommendations based on your data. The profiler monitors redis commands and shows you a summary. This is a great tool to identify hot keys in redis. You can also choose to drill down and filter by commands, key patterns or client ip address. If you use lua scripts, the profiler is a great tool to identify individual commands running inside a lua script.