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Project Planning Pro

Project Management for Mac OS X, iPhone, Android and Windows. Create a project plan in no time by entering tasks, duration and start dates. Use the interactive Gantt chart to edit and update the tasks. Supports Microsoft Project Plan Import/Export Get started in no time by creating a task list or WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). Indent or Outdent tasks to finalize your WBS. Enter task durations, add dependencies and assign resources to complete your plan.

Key Features: Interactive User Interface - Project Planning Pro has been designed to make project management simpler, easier and less time consuming, so that you can focus on important tasks. Supported File Types - The app can import plans in XML and PPP format created using either Microsoft Project or Project Planning Pro app on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Share Options: -Share as PDF -Share as XML file -Share as CSV file Task Linkage - In a Project, tasks are dependent on each other and their relationship is represented with dependency lines. With Project Planning Pro you can create four kinds of dependencies, namely Finish to Start(FS), Start to Start(SS), Finish to Finish (FF) and Start to Finish(SF). Gantt View- The Gantt View showcases the task dependencies, milestones, Task start and complete date, task duration, cost of task, task completion in percentage. Critical Path View- Critical path view showcases the tasks that are critical for your project and need to be accomplished on time, so as to ensure that the Project moves as per the fixed schedule. Resource View- This indicates all the resources utilized in the project along with the number of task they are handling, their cost and the total number of hours they have worked. The resource list can also be exported.