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Escape from the overload of emails, spreadsheets, social feeds and locked legacy business applications. kintone provides a new efficient way to simplify social communication, internal/external collaboration and business applications all in one place. (1) Internal/External collaboration

  • Communicate live data with colleagues, customers and partners in more efficient way, instead of sending emails with spreadsheets attachment. (2) Business Applications
  • Build a customized business apps within 3 minutes, from existing Excel spreadsheets, or from kintone marketplace with 20+ free business apps, or even from scratch, by drag-and-drop UX. You don't need ask IT or hire developers.
  • Quickly adapt business apps to your changing business need on the fly, to unlock legacy business systems. (3) Social Communication
  • All-in-one enterprise social communication, covering team-centric, people-centric, and data-centric communication. (4) Take kintone with you wherever you go. Mobile access to any information from kintone mobile apps on iPhone, iPad and Andriod devices, with push notification to notify important information.