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It is very easy to draw figures, texts, lines, arrows and boxes on a note paper with a squared grid. This is precisely what "Hüslipapier" allows you to do on a computer. On each square (In Swiss-German "Hüsli") and on each blue line of the paper, a symbol can be placed. It does not matter if this is a letter, an arrow, a line or a dot. Unlike other applications, Hüslipapier stores the contents not as vectors but rather more as a series of symbols. Nonetheless, the application is capable of easily creating vector-graphics out of these symbols. Currently, the file formats EPS, SVG and PDF are supported which are the most common technologies for scientific publications and web-graphics. Additionally, it is possible to automatically convert the symbols to ASCII-Art and (if desired) to prepend comment symbols. This makes it easy to write documentations for your software.



Plain text has been around for decades and it's here to stay. Monodraw allows you to easily create text-based art (like diagra ...