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Google Latitude

See where your friends are right now: Google Latitude is a location-aware mobile app developed by Google. Latitude allows a mobile phone user to allow certain other people on his or her Google Mail contact list to track where he or she is. These people can track the user (or more accurately, his or her phone) on Google Maps via their own iGoogle accounts. The user can control the accuracy and details of what each of the other users can see — an exact location can be allowed, or it can be limited to identifying the city only. For privacy, it can also be turned off by the user, or a location can be manually entered. Google Latitude is included in Google Maps and it's compatible with most devices running Google Android, iPhone, BlackBerry OS, Windows Mobile or Symbian s60: you have just to open Google Maps and activate Latitude.



Miataru is Japanese and means "be found" or "to come across" and it's meant to be a set of tools to allow the user to track lo ...