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Are you a Gmail, Facebook, Campfire or Pandora fanatic? Do you have 20 or more browser tabs open at all times? Are you tired of some random site or Flash ad crashing your browser and causing you to lose your (say) Google Docs data in another tab? If so, Site Specific Browsers (SSBs) provide a great solution for your WebApp woes. Using Fluid, you can create SSBs to run each of your favorite WebApps as a separate Cocoa desktop application. Fluid gives any WebApp a home on your Mac OS X desktop. Creating a Fluid App out of your favorite website is simple. Enter the website's URL, provide a name, and optionally choose an icon. Click "Create", and within seconds your chosen website has a permanent home on your Mac as a real Mac application that appears in your Dock.



Epichrome is an application (Epichrome.app) and Chrome extension (Epichrome Helper) to create and use Chrome-based SSBs on Mac ...



WebShell is an OS X WebView shell, which help you easily bundle the Web Apps to native OS X app without coding.


  • Stan ...