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Easy Git

EasyGit is a wrapper for git, designed to make git easy to learn and use. EG FOCUSES ON DOCUMENTATION AND EXAMPLES

  • Much of the work in eg is plugging a gap in git documentation: providing simple tutorial-oriented command-specific built-in help.
  • eg's documentation is example driven EG REMOVES OBSTACLES TO "GETTING" GIT
  • eg removes many principle-of-least-surprise violations that catch git newbies unaware
  • eg provides subcommands that are a natural extension of capabilities users know from cvs/svn (it also takes care to make sure the modifications to its subcommands are easily discoverable and error-avoiding for existing git users as well!) EG MAKES GIT EASY TO LEARN AND USE
  • easily learnable - I claim you can learn git faster by first using eg than by starting with git directly
  • interchangable - You can switch between using eg and using git as often as you'd like. I do it all the same on the same repositories.
  • fully capable - Unlike other wrappers for git, eg does not remove or limit any capabilities of git in order to simplify it; it just tries to layer concepts and present the capabilities in a more orderly fashion.
  • compatible - eg is essentially command-line backwards compatible to git; those familiar with git can start using eg by simply replacing "git" with "eg" in their commands. eg is biased towards luring existing svn users, due to the projects I work on and svn's large installed base