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Club Penguin Island

Club Penguin Island is a massively-multiplayer online role-playing game for mobile devices. The gameplay is similar to that of the original Club Penguin , though it runs on a three-dimensional game engine rather than Adobe Flash Player. Run, jump, swim, and dive in three world zones! Make friends, emoji or quick chat with anyone, complete an adventure with Aunt Arctic and Rockhopper, discover 10+ different kinds of collectibles, level up, find hidden treasure chests, complete two different challenges every day, join a dance party, kick beach balls, bounce on the trampoline, launch yourself into the air on water geysers, lounge in chairs, fire yourself out of cannons, throw snowballs... and more! Plus there’s lots more to look forward to. SOCIAL PARADISE We’re friendly here! This place is full of penguins to meet and places to discover. FASHION-FORWARD Did we mention our crazy sense of style? Everything you’ll create is unique (and amazing)! QUESTS & SURPRISES Discover special rewards, valuable coins, and unexpected surprises as you and your friends explore.

ENTERTAINMENT CENTRAL See a concert, or BE the concert! Don’t let the party end. FOOD FOR PENGUIN PALATES Pretty sure it’s the most interesting food ever. Check out the seaweed smoothies, loaded squid sticks, and more. THRIVING COMMUNITY Friendly locals and newcomers! Let’s get together, have a party, or dance our hearts out!



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