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Blitzz - Live Remote Assistance for Field Service

Supported platforms: SmartGlass, Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac, Chrome Browser Blitzz is a video powered, enterprise field service platform that quickly becomes the smart, system of record for all collaborative events between field techs, HQ support and end users of physical equipment in the field. Collaborative events that Blitzz enables through its mobile, web and smart glasses technologies are messaging, live interactive video and AR. Each collaborative event reduces truck rolls, warranty costs and drives up productivity, efficiency and NPS scores.
Machine learning from each collaborative event, together with data pulled in from field service management systems (FSMS) & CRMs that Blitzz integrates with, drives predictive support. This learning empowers the support and field techs to preempt getting stuck, be better prepared, and diagnose, install, troubleshoot, repair and provide exceptional interactive support, keeping customers happy while creating a fantastic ever growing library of easily accessible, tribal knowledge through every technician's phone/tablet, smart glass or desktop. Our integrations also help launch Blitzz from within your FSMS as well. While FSMS typically provide a web-first approach to scheduling, dispatching, invoicing and billing, we focus on the ever important but missing mobile first collaborative events to greatly augment such workflows.