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Advanced Query Tool

Advanced Query Tool is a Microsoft Windows based SQL query software tool used to administer and execute queries against the most common database management systems. AQT is created by a small New Zealand software company, Cardett, and is distributed and supported through the Internet. AQT is designed for use by database administrators and developers.ArchitectureAQT is a Windows application that uses ODBC to access the data, but is aware of the catalog structures of most common databases. This sets it apart from most software tools that use ODBC. The ODBC catalog is very slow on large systems, but AQT directly queries the catalog meta data of well known data base management systems, which makes it very fast for exploring the data structures of enterprise size data bases.Catalog awareness is accomplished by using configuration files for each flavor of DBMS to define the queries to run against the data base catalog meta data. There are also separate configuration files for the administration component.Data Base Management Systems of which AQT is aware of the catalog structure include IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, MySQL, Sybase, and Informix.LicenseThere are two levels of licensing of AQT: the Standard License, which allows most functionality, and the Extended License, which allows full use including the administration tools, data compare, and the data loader.