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Zerene Stacker

The idea of focus stacking is simple: you just shoot multiple pictures focused in different depth planes, rummage through the stack to "find all the sharp bits", then piece those bits together into a single image that shows the best parts of the whole stack.

It's an old technique, dating back to scissors and glue. But modern computers and digital cameras take focus stacking to a whole new level, automatically stacking tens or hundreds of frames to make astounding images from landscapes to microscopy that you could never capture in a single shutter click.

The key to success lies in getting the right software. That's where Zerene Stackerâ„¢ comes in. Zerene Stackerâ„¢ specializes in focus stacking. For that task it's the best software in the world for high end users, while also being the most widely used tool among amateur enthusiasts. Add in the facts that it's affordable, flexible, and has a free trial with full functionality, and this is one tool you can't afford to overlook!