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Xscan by Rixstep

No indexes junking down your disk - have you ever thought of what happens if your indexes start getting indexed? None of that. No 'snapshot' thinking where you only see what the system found the last time it looked (whenever that was). Start finding things that actually really exist instead - and use far more exact criteria than you'll find anywhere else. Regexes — Regular Expressions Xscan scans disks using 'regular expressions' so you can find exactly the files you are looking for - no more, no less. Xscan comes with a series of tutorials on how regular expressions are used. (They're not that difficult - really.) Robust, Scaleable Xscan was tested on 'megabyte' drags with scans of hundreds of thousands of files all at once. Xscan is amazingly incredibly fast because it uses low level Unix code. And searching by regular expression is so much more efficient than typing in a few letters and hoping for the best. Just drop a directory on Xscan and watch it work. An entire hard drive can be scanned in a matter of seconds.