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WordQ & SpeakQ

WordQ-SpeakQ is an assistive technology providing word-predictions for struggling writers. It learn from the writing and makes its predictions smarter. The features are including: word-prediction, speech feedback, spell checker, proofreader and voice recognition by using SpeakQ add-on. iWordQ, an iPad version of the program, is also available: it's an easy-to-use writing and reading application to assist struggling writers and readers. In Writing mode, a simple text editor is used for writing with the support of word prediction, abbreviation-expansion and speech feedback features. Spell-check and dictionary access is included. Use speech recognition with an iPad 3, 4, mini. In Reading mode, text is shown in a more visually pleasing manner to improve readability. This is used for proofreading, reading to learn, silent reading, reading aloud, and casual reading/listening. A novel text chunking method (patent-pending) can be selected to enhance comprehension and readability of text to allow you to focus on one text chunk at a time.