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Here's how Wootric helps your entire company win customers for life: NPS SURVEYS INSIDE YOUR WEB AND NATIVE MOBILE APP, plus EMAIL & SMS for intelligent, multichannel reach Still doing email NPS? Wootric's always-on, customizable surveys reach your customers wherever they are - inside your Web and native iOS/Android mobile apps, Email, or SMS for a real-time, accurate measure of customer sentiment with off-the-charts response rates.

ALIGNS YOUR TEAMS AROUND BOOSTING CUSTOMER HAPPINESS Run A/B happiness tests, segment NPS results, and get a single NPS view across all Web and mobile apps. Trigger customer reach-outs through Salesforce, Slack, Zendesk, Intercom.

MAKES CUSTOMER HAPPINESS SIMPLE AND TURNKEY Start winning customers for life in just five minutes. Insert our tiny snippet of code into your web application or use our Mobile SDK. Use our API or Email templates to reach customers off line.