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Wolfpack aims to be the "swiss army knife" of monitoring. To borrow a line from Etsy..."if it moves we monitor it, even if it doesn't move we'll monitor it just in case it makes a break for it!". Wolfpack is an extensible .Net windows service based framework for running jobs to monitor your software and system. The data collected can be sent directly to Growl clients, WCF, SQL, SQLite, NServiceBus and it exposes a native Geckoboard REST/JSON data feed so you can create instant dashboards for your system.

Integrates with Growl and Geckoboard for notification.

Plugins available at https://wolfpackcontrib.codeplex.com/

Programming language: .NET 4 Previously, MonitorWang (https://monitorwang.codeplex.com/ ), written in .NET 3.5