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Learn the Linux terminal and open source programming on Windows. Manage remote cloud servers with OpenSSH. Automate tasks with Python, PowerShell, and Bash. Run a local LAMP stack for testing your website. Build with the latest open source libraries and tools, including NodeJS. Run many basic graphical Linux apps, like Gnome Builder. A fast Linux terminal environment for developers and pro-users built on Windows® Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 10. WLinux is a custom Linux distro built from Debian specifically for use on WSL. While other distros are available for WSL, WLinux is the first optimized for use by users of WSL for WSL.

WLinux is entirely open-source and development occurs on GitHub.

Website https://whitewaterfoundry.com/ Feature Requests and Bug Reports https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/WLinux/issues