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Wing Python IDE

Wing is a highly customizable Python IDE that uses both static and runtime code analysis to provide auto-completion, call tips, code documentation, goto-definition, find uses, refactoring, and many other features. The editor also supports PEP8 enforcement, manages new block indentation, and automatically enters invocation arguments. The debugger can work with any Python code, whether it's launched from the IDE, from the outside in a web framework or other environment, or running in the integrated Python shell. It supports multi-threaded and multi-process debugging and can automatically debug child processes. Test-driven development, including debugging, is available for the unittest, doctest, nose, pytest, and Django testing frameworks. Version control integrations include Git, Mercurial, Perforce, and several others. All the IDE's features can be used with files stored locally or on a remote host. Extensive documentation explains how to use Wing with third-party modules like Django, Jupyter, Flask, PyQt, Maya, and many others. Wing is available in free and paid editions: Wing Pro is the full-featured IDE for professional programmers, Wing Personal is a simplified free IDE for students and hobbyists, and Wing 101 is designed for teaching beginning programmers.



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Default IDE which come installed with the Python programming language. It aims to be simple and intuitive, and is especially u ...