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Webmail Lite

Open Source WebMail Lite is a free community edition of full-featured WebMail Pro server application intended for users who need a clean and simple web mail application, which is fast and easy to use. Whether you need a free web browser based email client software for Windows ASP.NET or free web browser based email client software for Linux PHP, please download our software and use it at no cost for as long as you wish. You may also want to compare the WebMail Lite application features vs. WebMail Pro application by clicking the following link. Easy Installation and configuration of WebMail Lite is just a few steps with a web-based installation wizard. The integrated web administration panel allows you to manage the system settings without manual editing config files. Fast The AJAX user interface is optimized to respond as quickly as desktop applications usually do. To keep response times low, WebMail Lite utilizes smart caching of data and deep optimizations of rendering the user interface. Compatible