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What is web.dev? web.dev is the ultimate resource for developers of all backgrounds to learn, create, and solve on the web. It's meant to not only educate developers, but help them apply what they've learned to any site they work on, be it personal or business. web.dev was borne of a belief that if we make high quality experiences easy to build, it will enable more meaningful engagement on the web—for users and developers alike. Simply put, we realized the only way the web gets better is if we help the people building it succeed.

And the web can be better.

Our vision While we have a fantastic, creative community, there are indicators that the web we experience daily does not map to its current capabilities. We, Google's web platform team, are looking to work together with developers to help close that gap. Because no platform can match the reach of the web. But the benefit of this massive reach is offset if the experience can't meet user expectations. As the bar for high-quality experience continues to rise, users are quickly disappointed in a web experience that doesn't deliver. And then they're gone. We believe, however, the web now has the capabilities to overcome that challenge—to give all users the best possible experience wherever they are. Now we want to help the developer community build that kind of web. With our deep understanding of user needs and working closely with partners who've seen great results, we've created guidance and tools here that developers of all stripes can explore, try, and deploy.