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Vaadin Framework

Vaadin is a web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA). In contrast to Javascript libraries and browser-plugin based solutions, it features a robust server-side architecture. This means that the largest part of the application logic runs securely on the server. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is used on the browser side to ensure a rich and fluent user experience. Vaadin is a large collection of UI components. You compose the application user interface from components such as Buttons, Tables, Trees and Layouts. The components use events, listeners and data binding to communicate with each other and with your business logic. Vaadin is a robust architecture for rapid application development. The component-based architecture together with statically typed Java language and data binding features help you build applications that are easily modularized and refactored as needed. The IDE and tooling support including visual designing tool help you to build web user interface extremely fast.

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