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Unleashed Pixel Dungeon

Unleashed Pixel Dungeon is a game based on the open-source Shattered Pixel Dungeon, with scores of enhancements.

FEATURES Difficulty Levels: Tutorial - adds useful hints to the dungeon, badges earned only on death Easy - easier mobs, tougher hero, better drops, badges only on death, save anywhere Normal - base game, save only at level entrance signs Hard - mobs tougher, less upgrades, less drops Nightmare - mobs tougher, hero a little weaker, less upgrades, no saving

  • load / save functionality
  • larger level sizes with more mobs, rooms and loot
  • new mobs including mini-bosses
  • Holy Altars where you can donate goods for divine intervention
  • new level types - Burnt levels and Cavernous Open levels
  • new dungeon rooms and features including altars and prisons
  • new weapon enchantments: Glowing, Artifact, Vicious and Midas weapons
  • new items and weapon glyphs
  • useful item drops in high-grass
  • five new levels added to the dungeon along with new mobs
  • your hero can now go to even higher levels, and you get slight buffs on level up
  • your quick-slot buttons now auto-aim on a mob if none is selected
  • items now have level caps, with a chance of failure for higher levels
  • better descriptions of armor glyphs and weapon enchantments
  • lots of tweaks to maintain game balance and fun