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Touch Calendar

Touch Calendar is a new way to view your calendar on a mobile phone, making browsing your calendar as easy as using Google Maps.

Awarded 95% and recommended in’ s App of the Week review!

Touch Calendar is easy to use:

double-tap or pinch-zoom (on Android 2.0 or higher) to zoom in

tap an event to see its details

tap-and-hold on a date to add a new event touch to scroll as much as you want, both forwards and backwards

jump to today, or to any date from the menu

calendar search by pressing your phone’s search button or from the menu

set up repeating events such as biweekly events or monthly events

set the font size and default zoom level from the Settings

home screen widgets (full version only) Zoom and scroll your calendar with complete freedom.



Schedule books must be practical and has a good design. You may look for personal organizer at the stationary shops to meet th ... is a light-weight and easy-to-use online calendar like a usual memo calendar on the wall. Behind every day a ...