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To-Do List

This application allows to create lists of tasks which can be individually managed. Each list contains a set of tasks. Each task can have a deadline, a reminder time and a list of subtasks. By setting a reminder time the user will be informed by a notification. It is possible to display all tasks in a calendar, to protect the app with a secret pin and to sort and prioritze tasks within a list. Colors indicate the urgency of a task (taking the deadline into account). The application requires the permission "RECEIVE_ON_BOOT_COMPLETE" in order to start a background service which triggers notifications. This app belongs to the group of Privacy Friendly Apps developed by the Technische Universität Darmstadt. Motivation This application has been developed to be used as a basis for a Privacy Friendly App. Privacy Friendly Apps are group of Android applications which are optimized regarding privacy. Further information can be found on here[]