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Ticksel - Realtime Website Analytics

Ticksel - Friendly website analytics made for humans Sometimes people just want to know a couple of simple statistics about their website and explore the rest later. Our goal was to build a powerful tool that can be used by regular, non-techie people. Our tracking code snippet can be expanded with powerful tags which can be used on reports for filtering and searching data (e.g. conversions, goals, multiple domains). In order to collect data we don't invade privacy of your users by installing cookies. Instead, we combine user's location with browser signature to achieve this with similar precision. As a result, our tracking code is privacy friendly, polite, non-aggressive, and ignored by Ad blockers or similar tools today's users use to protect themselves. Your sensitive analytics data is encrypted by default using public/private key pairs. The only time your private key is decrypted is when you log in to check your reports. All this means that your data is encrypted in a way that makes it inaccessible to us. Our javascript tracking code is strengthened with integrity attribute which validates it on a client side. This ensures our tracking code cannot be changed or compromised in the future.



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