favicon is a powerful image thumbnails and processing on the fly for developers. Serve responsive images, cropping, compress, and generate website and doc previews.

Responsive images Serve your images with the right size & resolution for every device. No need to store multiple files, just store one high-res image and with a little help from Javascript we’ll serve it as needed... including Retina displays!

Theme your photos Give your photos a great style just by adding a parameter, without editing your original files. Need to redesign? Change the style of your images completely, on the fly, with our Instagram-like filters. Create thumbnails of any image

Safe thumbnails Images can contain virus and malware. If you're not careful malware will remain intact in your thumbnails, converting your website into a distribution channel for this malware. Don't expose yourself and your users, we make sure no virus / malware is alive when we make our thumbnails. Crop your photos without losing the juicy parts!

Smart cropping Crop your photos without losing the juicy parts! Add a simple parameter to smart-crop and keep the faces in your photos.

Preview third party images

Create amazing websites showing previews of images found all around the web. With you don't need to host any images. You tell us the URL of the image that you want to preview, and the size and options that you want to use, and we will make the thumbnail on the fly.

Website and doc previews Generate website and document previews on the fly. Create thumbnails of .pdf, Microsoft Office documents (.doc, .xls, .ppt) and OpenOffice documents (.odt, .ods, .odp) and serve your previews at any size and resolution you choose. Cloud storage Use our Javascript uploader and your users will be able to upload files directly to your Amazon S3 or Dropbox accounts. Even simpler, you can use our own cloud storage (backed by Amazon S3) for free.



Optimole is your all-in-one image optimization solution for WordPress & beyond, it processes your images in real time and ...