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ThingsPage is for Small and medium networks having difficulty identifying and authenticating connected PCs as well as unmanaged devices such as personal mobile phones, tablets, and IoT devices in their BYOD offices. Network Visibility Similar to CCTV camera, ThingsPage Sensor software monitors your network and detect devices coming in and out of your office internal network. Sensor installed in your network automatically sees and classifies your wired and wireless devices such as Windows machines, Macintosh machines, VoIP phones, gateway, Linux machines, iPhones, Android phones. User Identity Users can be redirected to a page to identify himself and request for network access type: member access or limited guest access. Similar to what you see when you try to use Wi-Fi at hotels or airports, all users in the network are redirected to a page to identify themselves. You have the option to authenticate only once or every day for improved network security and access control. Network Access Guest access allows you to offer Internet access for guests for a limited time and prohibit access to your internal resources. Guest access allows your office visitors to enjoy the company Wi-Fi to get connected to the Internet, but they cannot access your printers, servers or any other connected devices in your network. Member access allows your employees and authorized users to access your network fully once authenticated. You may grant or deny member access request. Directory and Profile With full visibility of devices and users in your networks, ThingsPage automatically generates user-based network directory and profile. User profile shows wired workstations, personal mobile devices, VoIP phones a specific user has.