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Companies developing new IoT currently have a lot to do - design, prototypes, and manufacturing the thing, build the app, and develop the cloud platform to store the data, all from scratch.

thethings.iO frees up your company to focus on what you do best: build awesome new things. thethings.iO significantly reduces the time and cost of this process, while offering developers and users increased functionality. Device management, monotorization and analytics thethings.iO enables companies with a full-scale IoT cloud solution to manage and monitor your things. End-to-end realtime connectivity thethings.iO supports REST, MQTT, CoAP and Websockets. Our IoT broker enables you to securely store and query real-time data. Alarms, Rules and Jobs Define your triggers, crons and business logic functions that interacts with your devices. Storage Companies can store real-time data with full control and ownership of their data, replacing large up-front costs with a low fee. Fast development and cost wise thethings.iO speed up your IoT for a variable cost, so that you get more with less effort! Interoperability across devices Things are powerful when they talk with other things. We offer seamless interaction for your things with the majority of the IoT available.