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Tera Term

TeraTerm Project terminal emulator "Tera Term" and SSH module "TTSSH". This is Tera Term Pro 2.3 successor and is officially recognized by the original author. This software is open source software under BSD License. Features: Serial ports larger than COM4. Baud rate of 14400. User shortcut key "EditCLS", "EditCLB", "ControlOpenTEK" and "ControlCloseTEK". Macro commands "clearscreen", "code2str", "enablekeyb", "filemarkptr", "fileseekback", "filestrseek2", "findclose", "findfirst", "findnext", "getdir", "kmtfinish", "kmtget", "makepath", "sendkcode", "setdir", "setexitcode", "str2code" and "testlink". Macro operator "%". Macro: a comment can be placed in any line. Pass-through printing directly to a port Special options in the setup file "AutoFileRename", "BackWrap", "Beep", "EnableStatusLine", "MaxComPort", "PassThruDelay", "PassThruPort", "PrnConvFF", "RussPrint" and "TitleFormat". New [Setup] TCP/IP dialog box. History list of hosts. New Russian character sets (CP 866 and ISO 8859-5). New icons. Selecting text in a rectangular region. Executing menu commands by user defined keys. Tera Term extension interface.