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T4 Awesome

Did you know that Visual Studio has a full code generation framework built right in? It’s called T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) and it’s used internally by Visual Studio and Extension developers to generate code and other text files. If you have ever used LinqToSQL or Entity Framework you have used it without even knowing. While T4 is built in, it does not have an easy to use interface and as such has not been widely discovered by many developers. T4 Awesome is going to change that by exposing you to the full power of T4 Templates directly in your projects and allow you to quickly build your own custom scaffolding. T4 Awesome makes T4 Templating Awesome! Even though the T4 framework is already available in Visual Studio it lacks the interface support that you expect from a Visual Studio feature. T4 Awesome enhances the T4 framework by adding the missing pieces. A user interface to create, organize, store, and run your T4 Templates Right click context menus to easily call your T4 Templates Custom parameters you define to control your T4 Template output Execute multiple T4 Templates and control the final output locations Edit T4 Templates with syntax coloring and code completion Generate code and text in place with a simple right click Supports Visual Studio versions 2012 and greater