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Synology Moments

Gather all your photos and videos in one private place and organize them in an entirely new way. Synology Moments opens a new era for photo storage, allowing random photos to be automatically sorted by an image-recognizing technique that can identify the people, subjects, and places in the photos. Your mobile device's storage space will never be the limitation of your imagination again. Backup your photos captured in daily life securely in Moments and easily free up the spaces. All the photos will be shown in timeline mode just like what you’ve experienced on your own smart phone device. With the deep learning algorithm on Synology NAS, random photos are automatically grouped together according to similar faces, subjects, and places. There's no need to scroll through all your photos just to find the one you want. Simply type the keywords into the search bar and all relevant results will appear instantly. Your precious moments can also be effortlessly shared with friends and family anytime, anywhere. Switching to Shared Photo Library allows you and authorized users to collaboratively edit photos and albums together, while keeping your personal photos private in My Photo Library at the same time.