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3 sleek player designs to choose from Along with the Classic SublimeVideo player design, you can now select two additional player designs, Light and Flat, which will work seamlessly on all browsers and platforms. More player designs will be available soon. If you need even more customization, check what we can do for you. Responsive design support SublimeVideo always had great support for dynamic resizing, but in the past, one had to program this behavior with a few lines of JavaScript. Our new player has further been improved so it can automatically adapt to responsive layouts by simply setting one single autoresize parameter. Integrated lightbox Quickly and easily give your audience another great way to view your videos with SublimeVideo's integrated lightbox. The new lightbox works great over a liquid layout and a responsive design. You can also use it to display images to offer a more consistent UI. Subtitles Increase your videos' global reach and provide a great experience to your hearing-impaired audience by adding subtitles to your videos. SublimeVideo supports multi-language subtitles on all desktop browsers and the latest mobile platforms. It's often more convenient to control viewing with your keyboard. This built-in feature lets you control your video with simple keys like the space bar and arrows keys. It will also improve your site's accessibility. Advanced Player API Our player API gives you the ability to control the player via JavaScript and easily implement custom and advanced functionality that work cross browser and cross device. The API is extensively documented and our online Help provides code samples to facilitate your integration project. More features: