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Steam Inventory Helper

This extension will help you to: -Check items and gems prices inside steam inventory. -Sell items in bulk without reloading with item queue, auto accept option, auto adjust price depend on market prices. -Quick pick and count items in trade offers with no duplicate, no trash (for dota 2 items) option. -Quick buy item in listing page and newly listed tab with one click. -Show desktop notifications when you have new trade offers (make sure to allow Google Chrome to run in the background). -Display warning message on item with custom name, description in market page. -Check item price directly in your trade offer window by mouse overing it. -Calculate total trade offer summ/value directly in the trade offer window. -Quick buy set of items with custom dialog. -Filter item on "My sell listings" tab. -Change default number of rows on listing pages. -Buying Steam trading cards right in game cards page. -Auto ignore / block friend invites with Steam level below threshold.

Steam Trader Helper

Steam Trader Helper

Steam Trader Helper it's extension for usability and automation on the Steam Community Market.

  • This extension will allow you ...