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I bring user-generated content to static sites User-generated content are typically the Achilles heel of any static site — a blog commenting platform, a reviews section or a voting system are just a few common examples. To implement these on a static site, developers often resort to third-party services that inject content into pages through JavaScript embeds or iframes. I keep your content where it belongs A static site setup has the huge benefit of keeping all your data in one place: markup, styles and even content. You could save your entire blog to a ZIP file, posts included. But as soon as you bring third-party services to the mix, you lose that. You no longer own the content and you suddenly depend on an external platform to deliver some of it. Staticman handles user-generated content for you and transforms it into data files that sit in your GitHub repository, along with the rest of your content.

I love Jekyll + GitHub Pages Staticman works perfectly with Jekyll sites hosted on GitHub Pages, as a push to your main branch will regenerate the site automatically. If you want to moderate entries before they are published, a pull request will be created for your approval; otherwise, files will be pushed to your main branch straight away.