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Sphere Contest

Attract and test your applicants by giving them cool challenges. Last man standing is the candidate you are looking for. Finding a good programmer is a hard and expensive process. Sphere Contest gives you a completely new way to attract the best candidates on the market and to select the best employee. You receive a tool that will display to the candidates several programming problems. Their job will be to solve them by writing down the proper code. Our platform will automatically test their solution and give them a certain amount of points, which, in turn, gives you a clear cut and fair ranking of candidates. Sphere Contest does wonders for employer reputation building, especially on university campuses.

Training Give your team some hard problems to solve, let them think, let them learn. There are moments in every company when the group needs to have some form of interaction, to cooperate and sometimes to compete. With Sphere Contest you will get a ready-to-use tool that will let you organise internal programming contests among your IT team, to have fun, think, and learn at the same time.

Public Relations Create an outstanding event, make the people rival with each other. Programmers are a group which is hard to reach with traditional PR methods. Make them excited about your company by organizing what they love - programming contests! There is no better way to make your participants remember your event and your company than to make them compete with each other and see who is the best programmer. Programming contest are popular form of interaction in the IT community and with Sphere Contest organizing this kind of event is easier than ever.