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Soley Studio

Soley GmbH develops agile and innovative software solutions for data analysis in engineering. With Soley Studio experts digitalize their knowledge, automate time-consuming processes and, thus, overcome existing complexity. At the push of a button, practicable workflows – from the consolidation of data, through data analysis to the visualization of the results – spare time and money immediately. Soley Desk makes this expertise transparent and usable throughout the business and with consistent quality. Soley-Technology consolidates shared data from databases or files in a networked, intuitively comprehensible data model. Rule-based analyses of similarity, influences or dependencies make hidden information visible. The comprehensive analysis results are depicted in interactive dashboards with organic or hierarchical graphs, a vast variety of diagrams, tables or matrices. The tools from Soley integrate seamlessly into existing IT infrastructures and data storage – from a quick start on the laptop to the comprehensive enterprise solution. Even limited data quality and lower input of resource result in quick and successful analysis. The Munich-based software house concentrates on applications in the field of machinery and plant installations, automotive, manufacturing and packaging industries, logistics, telecommunications as well as electronic and automation engineering. Typical scenarios where their solutions are used are product architecture and variants, supply chain and project management. Soley, established from the chair for product development at the Technical University in Munich, also cooperates closely with partners in technology,