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Softpedia is a website that indexes information and provides primarily software information and downloads. Its main sections are Windows, Mac, Mac PPC, Linux, Games, Handheld (mobile software), Drivers, Mobile, Webscripts, and News. It also covers technology, science, health and entertainment topics from both external and in-house sources, and it provides software and game reviews.Wherever possible, it includes one or more screenshots of each application, often showing the application's menus to help illustrate its features. Softpedia does not repack software for distribution. It provides direct downloads of software in its original distribution form, links to developers' downloads, or both. Software categories are arranged hierarchically and are modeled after Windows filesystem paths, such as "C: \ Mobile Phone Tools \ Sony Ericsson". Users can sort by criteria such as the date of the last update, the number of downloads, or the rating. There are three viewing modes, normal, freeware, or shareware, allowing users to screen out certain types of software.



Learn about the tech stack behind some of the world's best software companies. See which tools and services they use, and how ...